Travel by Katrin

My Yoga

how I discovered yoga for myself

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I was born in Germany, but have lived and worked in from 2000 on en Spain.

I discovered yoga during a very difficult phase in our lives in 2011. At that time my sister Petra died in a car accident. I could never have imagined something like that and even today I still find it difficult to describe my feelings at the time. Somehow I thought I wouldn't be able to get out of this dark tangle of my thoughts.

How I came to yoga

Zertifikat Yoga Yoga and my family have personally helped me deal with the trauma of her loss. Today, a large part of my practice is a thank you for this and I try to pass on to others what has helped me and is still helping me.

After practicing Vinyasa, Nidra, Restorative Yoga, Yin, Kundalini and Hatha, I found my love for gentle Vinyasa and Yin Yoga. I don't know what would have become of me or rather, I don't know what I would have done without my yoga. I didn't know back then that this was just the beginning...

On vacation alone to find myself

yoga certificate During another difficult time in 2019, I decided to go on vacation ALONE to practice yoga. I visited my beloved island of Bali and from there traveled to the Gili Islands.

Here I found my teacher and soulmate Helen Olivia . After signing up for a 50-hour Yin Yoga teacher course, my journey as a teacher began.

I have been teaching since 2020, further courses for Vinyasa, Yin and Yoga Nidra followed.

Sometimes "coincidence" helps

I came to Yoga Nidra completely by chance because my dear friends and students showed me how to discover my gift for Yoga Nidra. - Thanks to them, I can grow and learn in every class!

Today I am a registered teacher with the

Yoga Alliance of 550 hr



Travel & Event by B&K

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My favorite travel destinations